The literary nutritional equivalent of rice—great when you’re hungry and really want 1,000 of something.

Thaumatrope is a twitter fiction magazine for Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror fiction under 140 characters - edited by @nelilly.

Thaumatrope is a twitter fiction magazine for
Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror fiction
under 140 characters—edited by @nelilly.



Dec 24, 2008

The sleigh stopped and empty eyes looked back. As Santa fired the shotgun from his bag, he swore. Zombie reindeer weren’t even good eating.

Sep 2, 2009

In the end, the bots wondered why the last human smiled and used the wormhole instead of staying with them to see the sun eat the Earth.

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©2009 N.E. Lilly, designed by GreenTentacles: Science Fiction Web Design § individual stories © by their respective authors.

Original miniplanet image by Jan Vejlupek ©2008