Because I have Online Obsessive Compulsive Attention Deficit Hyp—Oo, Look! There’s something new on the Internet!

Thaumatrope is a twitter fiction magazine for Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror fiction under 140 characters - edited by @nelilly.

Thaumatrope is a twitter fiction magazine for
Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror fiction
under 140 characters—edited by @nelilly.

Thaumatrope Fiction Relocation Project

If you love something, set it free? The Thaumatrope Fiction Relocation Project is a program to help get professionally written nanofiction into convention program books, by allowing Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror conventions to feature Thaumatrope fiction for free.

From the Editor: Nathan E. Lilly (nelilly)

Tweets @thaumatrope #editor

Tweet to the editor—simply start your tweet: @thaumatrope #editor

About Thaumatrope | Contributors | Subscribe | Donate | Submissions | Status

©2009 N.E. Lilly, designed by GreenTentacles: Science Fiction Web Design § individual stories © by their respective authors.

Original miniplanet image by Jan Vejlupek ©2008