Doin’ what I like.

Thaumatrope is a twitter fiction magazine for Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror fiction under 140 characters - edited by @nelilly.

Thaumatrope is a twitter fiction magazine for
Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror fiction
under 140 characters—edited by @nelilly.



May 30, 2009

Ants stir the sleep of the woman in the glass coffin; she dreams prickly kisses, crumbs of herself carried off to sate wicked queens.

Jun 9, 2009

He sweeps down the highway, broom erasing center lines; ignores the screams & metal shrieks; for those he’ll need to fetch a bigger broom.

Jul 2, 2009

Harry didn’t understand why the beachcombers kept screaming till he held up his blue, fish-gnawed hand, realized he *had* drowned after all.

Jul 7, 2009

Triggered after eons, aliens we believed to be our own “brains” awoke; I saw her skull hatch, clutched my own as it began to knock inside...

Aug 1, 2009

A cruel joke returned his soul (briefly) to his body, and he clawed his epitaph in his coffin lid: THE EYES OF GOD ARE FANGED MOUTHS

Aug 14, 2009

Climbing in the gears above the Cosmic Sphere, he pulls the pin that spins the stars in place, falls laughing through the death of Forever.

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©2009 N.E. Lilly, designed by GreenTentacles: Science Fiction Web Design § individual stories © by their respective authors.

Original miniplanet image by Jan Vejlupek ©2008