Discorobot on Thaumatrope: It’s just like short fiction only shorter!—@discorobot

Thaumatrope is a twitter fiction magazine for Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror fiction under 140 characters - edited by @nelilly.

Thaumatrope is a twitter fiction magazine for
Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror fiction
under 140 characters—edited by @nelilly.


December 13th, 2008

firstyesterday | tomorrowlast

“You’re not from around here, are you,” she asked, grinning. “No,” I said, naked, trying in vain to find a way to hide my sword.

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©2009 N.E. Lilly, designed by GreenTentacles: Science Fiction Web Design § individual stories © by their respective authors.

Original miniplanet image by Jan Vejlupek ©2008