Blood on our hands. It wasn’t until later that we learned only 1 of 50 bitten actually become zombies. How many friends did we kill?
Science fiction, fantasy, & horror - web design, graphic design, interactive media development by greententacles
Thaumatrope - fiction crack—Tony Noland
Thaumatrope is a twitter fiction magazine for
Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror fiction
under 140 characters—edited by @nelilly.
October 29th, 2009
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Blood on our hands. It wasn’t until later that we learned only 1 of 50 bitten actually become zombies. How many friends did we kill?
Blood pours from the large gash in my chest. Broken bones dangle from my shattered wrist. My spinal chord is severed. Good thing I’m dead.
A panicked see-saw beats Morse-code for danger, as an ice cream van, evil jack-in-the-box, stalks sugar&spice at the park.
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©2009 N.E. Lilly, designed by GreenTentacles: Science Fiction Web Design § individual stories © by their respective authors.
Original miniplanet image by Jan Vejlupek ©2008