Science fiction, fantasy, & horror - web design, graphic design, interactive media development by greententacles
The literary nutritional equivalent of rice—great when you’re hungry and really want 1,000 of something.
Thaumatrope is a twitter fiction magazine for
Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror fiction
under 140 characters—edited by @nelilly.
Thaumatrope is closed to submissions. Subscribe to the e-mail newsletter, or follow @thaumatrope on Twitter for news when we re-open to submissions.
By submitting your work to Thaumatrope in the form below (and upon being credited payment), you grant us the nonexclusive right to publish your work in Electronic form (web, e-mail, rss, etc.) and in print anthologies. All other rights to the work belong to you. You guarantee that this work is your own and that you have the right to grant us the use of it. We do not copyright works, nor register works with the Copyright Office. We will code the work as needed for Electronic presentation but will make no changes in text without your explicit permission.
Questions or comments may be addressed to N.E. Lilly via
Tell us a Science Fiction, Fantasy, or Horror story in under 140 characters. Other than that, we’re just looking for good stories.
We pay $1.20 per submission entry—which equates to a minimum payment of approximately 5¢/word (considering a “word” to be 6 characters). While we technically pay professional rates for fiction we DO NOT qualify as a SFWA professional market as our payment is below their $50 minimum payment threshold.
Payment is sent via Paypal anytime after acceptance, upon request. Due to the nature of these micro-payments authors may wish to allow their credit to accumulate — it’s less work for the editor to send 1 payment of $10 than 10 payments of $1, but we don’t wish to set a minimum threshold for payment. We ask that our contributors use their best judgment.
Since it has been a topic of discussion, it is the editor’s belief that the publication of a single tweet in Thaumatrope does not start your eligibility for the John W. Campbell Award, based on this statement on the Cambell website: “For the purposes of the Campbell Award, professional publications are works sold for more than a nominal amount” [emphasis mine].
About Thaumatrope | Contributors | Subscribe | Donate | Submissions | Status
©2009 N.E. Lilly, designed by GreenTentacles: Science Fiction Web Design § individual stories © by their respective authors.
Original miniplanet image by Jan Vejlupek ©2008